• How to split an Excel file into separate workbooks

    If you need to split up an Excel file into separate workbooks, then it can be time-consuming and error-prone to do this manually.
    Using Loadit it’s easy to create a package to load the Excel file, split the data into separate datasets and write each dataset into a separate file.

    This video shows this in action and the steps required to create a Loadit package to automate this process.

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  • Splitting Data by Percentage

    Recently, one of our Loadit users asked:

    I need to split a file into separate files, with each containing a specific percentage of the original records. How can I do this in Loadit?

    This can be achieved using the split module. The secret is to specify a percentage in the “expression” for each split

    You can see this technique demonstrated in this video

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  • Use OR expression in Replace

    How can I apply a text replacement to replace the text “DK” or “RF”

    The ReplaceRegEx function allows you to specify a regular expression pattern to find and replace within a string.
    To match “DK” or “RF” use the regular expression: “DK|RF”.

    You can download a worked example here

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  • Uninstall a License

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to move a Loadit license from one computer to another.
    For example, if a computer is being replaced or a computer needs to be renamed.

    To achieve this, the first step is to uninstall the Loadit license from the old computer.
    To do this, follow these steps:

    • Log onto the old server
    • Start Loadit
    • Go to “Tools” | “License” | “Install License”

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  • Excluding a column in Loadit

    Recently, we were asked How do I delete a column in Loadit?

    Perhaps the most obvious way to achieve this is via the “Adjust Columns” module in Loadit.
    You can use this as a stand alone module, perhaps as part of a set of other column adjustments.
    You can also use this as an “Output Tweak” which may be a neater way of achieving the same result.

    To see this in action,

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  • Command Line Exit Codes

    What are the exit codes returned from Loadit when it’s run on the command line?

    • 0 = Success
    • 1 = Unexpected Error
    • 2 = Package Execution Cancelled
    • 3 = Package Execution Failed
    • 4 = Package Validation Failed

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  • Excluding Records

    Recently, one of our Loadit users asked:

    I need to remove rows using a condition (e.g. where email address is set to ‘?’). How can I do this in Loadit?

    This can be achieved using either a split module or a filter output tweak, depending on your requirements

    You can see this technique demonstrated in this video

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  • Validating Output Fields

    Recently, one of our Loadit users asked:

    I want Loadit to make sure that the file I’m loading each time has the exact same headers as the previous wave. Is there a way for me to get Loadit to check the header rows on a file?

    One of the simplest ways to achieve this is using the Adjust Columns module

    You can see this technique demonstrated in this video

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  • Modulo Division

    Recently, one of our Loadit users asked:

    “Can you tell me how to do modulus division in Loadit Expressions?”

    For the uninitiated, modulus division is the process of returning the remainder after dividing one number by another.
    This technique is handy for a number of uses. For example, to flag alternate rows, you might do a modular division by 2.

    The modulo operator in Loadit is simply “%”.

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  • Handling Optional Files

    If you have a datasource that references a file, by default, Loadit will raise an error if you run your package and that file doesn’t exist.
    Most of the time this is the behaviour you want – missing files are usually a sign something is wrong.

    However, what if your package references a file that is optional? If the file exists then you want Loadit to process it, if it doesn’t then you want Loadit to continue regardless without error.

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  • Update the Askia API

    Loadit v2.9.2 comes with a new version of the Askia API, which means if you’re on an earlier version you’ll need to upgrade.

    Before you upgrade Loadit you should first unregister the existing version of the Askia API.
    To do this, type the following command (using a command prompt with Administrator privileges):

    regsvr32 -u <path>\AskiaAPI.dll

    Where <path> is the location of the existing Askia API file.

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  • Limiting Query Records In Design Mode

    “Is there a way I can limit the number of records returned from the Query source module in design mode?”

    Suppose you have a Loadit package that contains a Query module.
    When you open the package in design mode, the query will run and all the relevant records will be returned.
    If the query returns a large number of records, you might have to wait a while for the query to complete.

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  • Limiting records on startup

    Recently, one of our Loadit users asked:

    “Is any setting I can change that will stop the Loadit from reading all records in a datasource when I open it up?”

    Most of the time when you’re working in Loadit, you don’t need to work with ALL records from each datasource.
    For the purpose of editing and configuring your package, it is enough just to work with a subset of records.

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