Askia Interview Data


The Askia Interview Data module allows you to pull interview data from an Askia survey.
This page outlines the following steps involved in using this module:

  1. Add an API Connection
  2. Select a survey
  3. Select some questions
  4. (Optional) Filter the data
  5. (Optional) Adjust output options

Add an API Connection

In order to connect to an Askia survey, you need to provide Loadit with the API connection details for your Askia instance.
To do this, follow these steps:

  1. From the main Loadit menu, click View | APIs
  2. Click “Add” button
  3. Enter a name to describe the connection, and click “Configure”
  4. Enter the URL and Token for your Askia API instance (contact Askia support if you don’t know these details)
  5. Press “OK” then “OK” again to return to the Package API’s list
  6. Press “Test” to check Loadit can connect using the details provided

Add an API Connection

Add an Askia Interview Data module to your Loadit package, and in the “Survey” dropdown select the survey you want to load data from:

Select some questions

In the “Questions” tab, pick the questions you want to read into Loadit:

Note: For closed questions, you can choose which form of data to return by changing the “Return Type” setting:

The options available for “Return Type” are as follows:

Setting Description
Label Returns the text caption assigned to the closed response
Entry Code Returns the entry code assigned to the closed response
Ordinal Returns the ordinal position (e.g. 1st, 2nd, etc..) of the closed response

(Optional) Filter the data

In the “Filter” tab, the module gives you the option to filter on complete interviews or all interviews:

(Optional) Adjust output options

The module gives you some further control over the format of the data when it is loaded from Askia.

The “Options” tab gives you the following settings:

Multicode Format

Setting Description
Semicolon separated Returns multicoded closed data for a question as a single column, with responses separated by semicolons
Column per response Returns multicoded closed data for a question as a separate columns, with one response per column

Looped Item Labelling

Setting Description
Shortcut and parent shortcut Labels looped variables using the selected question shortcut and the parent iteration label, e.g. “Q1_Price”
Shortcut and loop number Labels looped variables using the selected question shortcut and the parent iteration index, e.g. “Q1_1”

Convert Date Values
By default, Askia returns dates as a decimal OLE Automation date value. You can use this option to return these values as a date column in Loadit instead.